Common Financial Planning Questions For LGBT Family Building
August 5th, 2016 | 2 min. read

You've decided to become a parent. Being a member of the LGBTQ community, there are financial aspects that you need to consider. At any reputable fertility program or surrogacy agency (or egg donor or sperm donor agencies), there will be no mystery about the costs.
The financial fees will be revealed on the first consultation and expecting full disclosure about costs is entirely appropriate.
What Are The LGBT Financial Family Building Questions I Should Be Asking?
Shaunda B., financial representative from Gay Parents to Be (at Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut [RMACT]) shared some of the most common questions that she is asked by LGBTQ clients. Shaunda also included questions that should be asked that sometimes are overlooked.
The questions listed here are a good start. As you continue on the process of becoming a parent, more may arise.
How much does it cost, from the beginning, until we actually have our baby after we’ve started?
Do the costs from a fertility program include an egg or sperm donor?
Do they include a gestational surrogate?
Are all payments made directly to the fertility program or surrogacy agency?
Do I have to pay in full before I begin? What forms of payment are accepted?
How much do I have pay the donor/surrogate agency and is that done separately?
Does financial aid exist for fertility treatment and the LGBTQ community?
Will my insurance cover this fertility treatment aspect, like IVF or IUI?
What are the legal costs I can expect with building legal contracts with a reproductive attorney, etc?
Do you have a question from above or one of your own? Feel free to reach out to us for more answers. If building a family is your dream. We are here to help make it a reality.