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Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.

James Speer

As a genetic counselor, Speer’s role is to obtain detailed health and family histories, identify conditions with genetic components and risk factors, discuss inheritance patterns, and provide information regarding genetic testing options. He empowers patients with non-directive counsel and provide support as they make their decisions.

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: James Speer
November 27th, 2019

Here at Gay Parents To Be we know the intricacies of LGBTQ family building can be hard to understand, and we want to demystify the process for all. One resource that we offer here for LGBTQ moms- or dads-to-be is access to in house genetic counseling. Why may you need a genetic counselor? What can this person help you understand about your family building journey?